Legion Drillings’ new Sydney home
Our new Sydney Depot location provides greatly improved facilities for the support of our Geotechnical, Sonic and Geoprobe rigs and crews….
Advantages of Sonic Drilling Rigs in Landfill, Tailings Storage (TSF)
Sonic drilling rigs have emerged as innovative solutions for problems across multiple sectors of the larger drilling market, offering significant advantages for environmental, geotechnical, and mining applications. This article explores the benefits of using sonic drilling rigs, with a particular emphasis on their application in landfill, mine waste and tailings dam projects.
Ecoforum/SustRem 2023: Sustainability in the Drilling and Remediation Industry
Ecoforum/SustRem 2023 was the perfect platform for Legion Drilling to keep advocating for more sustainable site investigation and remediation approaches. We take pride in our commitment to sustainability and the steps we have been taking since our beginnings to lead the way toward a more eco-conscious drilling industry.
Contaminated Land Management: from Site Screening to Closure
Presenters from USA and Australia will cover many of the technical developments that are now available to manage contaminated sites in a more efficient and sustainable manner. These range from direct sensing tools, mobile labs and discrete groundwater samplers for high-resolution site characterisation (HRSC) to low- and high-pressure injection technologies
Hydraulic Packer testing for geotechnical and hydrogeological applications
A hydraulic packer test is a common method used in hydrological studies to assess the properties and behavior of aquifers, specifically their permeability and transmissivity. This test involves isolating a specific interval within a borehole using an inflatable packer and conducting a controlled hydraulic test to measure the response of the aquifer.
Drilling Jobs in Sydney NSW
The drilling industry is not for the faint of heart. It requires resilience, adaptability, and a thirst for knowledge. At Legion Drilling, we pride ourselves on tackling some of the most challenging projects in the field, constantly pushing boundaries and exploring new frontiers.
Legion Drillings most used Geotechnical tests
Having the latest Geotechnical testing methods at your disposal is vital in todays competitive site assessment industry. The Standard Penetration Test (SPT) and Cone Penetration Test (CPT) offer valuable insights into soil properties and stratification. The Seismic Cone Penetration Test (SCPT) adds
Legion Drilling Preferred Australian Installer of FLUORO-SORB®
Legion’s experience injecting slurries into overburden, transition zones, and fractured bedrock settings makes this partnership a natural and complementary fit. The trend towards in-situ management of PFAS versus groundwater extraction
Benefits of Direct Push Sampling with a Geoprobe
Most environmental consultants would never allow soil samples to be taken with auger methods in soils that could would be conducive to direct push methods. It is important to carefully follow sampling protocols and to use proper decontamination techniques between sample locations.
Numac Drilling becomes Legion Drilling 2023
Legion Drilling was created for this buyout by Numac’ s long time General Manager. As part of the purchase agreement Legion acquired the rights to continue using the Numac name. This helped ensure a smooth..
Sydney Geotechnical Drilling - A couple of interesting images.
Recently captured a couple of great shots with crews undertaking drilling works on the Sydney “Metro” project in New South Wales (NSW). The image above shows one of our Boart Longyear DB520 Multipurpose rigs completing an 50m HQ3 geotechnical core location in the shadow of the HMS Endeavour replica.
Load Testing 50mm Class 18 Threaded PVC
Measuring the load capacity of class 18 PVD threaded well casing. How deep do you think you could hang a 50mm. PVC well?
Webinar Series on Advanced Characterisation and Remediation Methods
The next presentations will be dedicated to MiHPT (Membrane-Interface & Hydraulic Profiling Tool) and UVOST (Ultra-Violet Optical Screening Tool), two direct sensing tools that have revolutionised the way we investigate contaminated sites thanks to their high resolution and real-time visualisation capabilities.
10 Reasons to consider Legion Drilling for your complex drilling programs
At Numac we thrive on providing solutions for challenging drilling programs. Our loyal clientele return for the support of a drilling contractor that can deliver in high risk and high performance situations.
BOS 200 Webinar - Activated carbon injection for in-situ remediation
BOS 200® has been implemented in hundreds of sites to effectively treat LNAPL source zones, fuel oxygenates, alcohols, glycols, and cyclic ethers. BOS 200® is a complete system effecting accelerated biodegradation processes on an activated carbon platform that includes
Epic Sonic Drilling Journey
Sydney based R20 Sonic crews have been on a 13 week tour which included quarantine, 4 states, 4 projects and a total of 6400km mobilization. Project requirements included 150mm production bores, Environmental monitoring wells, and Vibrating Wire Piezometers for a Geotechnical client. The rig completed projects in Queensland, South Australia, Northern Territory and New south wales.
Geotechnical drilling on a small scale
Despite its small stature the Geo 205 is still capable of HQ coring to 30m quite comfortably and it automatic SPT hammer ensures safe operation. The tight squeeze is assisted but fully remote control operation allowing the driller to keep well out of harm’s way.
Does your drilling contractor hold the required drillers licence?
The bore shall be constructed by a suitably qualified driller who possess the appropriate experience and the relevant class of licence that the state or territory deem necessary. An appropriately licenced driller shall be on site at all times during bore construction and decommissioning activities.”
Geotechnical and Environmental Testing begins at New Adelaide Women's Hospital
Never a dull day as a drilling contractor. Our drill crews in Adelaide were part of the government PR machine this week undertaking a deep groundwater monitoring program
R01 - Our first Geoprobe returns to service after full rebuild and upgrade.
Geoprobe 6620 (R1) returns to service in 2020 after a full refit and upgrade by the Numac maintenance and engineering team. View a short video of the results.