Site Screening to Closure – Brisbane, Sydney & Melbourne
We are excited to present the 2nd Workshop on Advanced Technologies for Integral Contaminated Land Management, featuring an even larger delegation of North American experts for 2024.
Webinar Series on Advanced Characterisation and Remediation Methods
The next presentations will be dedicated to MiHPT (Membrane-Interface & Hydraulic Profiling Tool) and UVOST (Ultra-Violet Optical Screening Tool), two direct sensing tools that have revolutionised the way we investigate contaminated sites thanks to their high resolution and real-time visualisation capabilities.
Sustainable site investigation with Direct Sensing Tools (HRSC)
At this point, 20+ years into the development of direct sensing technology there have been a multitude of arguments presented touting the technical and financial advantages of High-Resolution Site Characterisation (HRSC) using Membrane Interface Probe (MIP), Ultra-Violet Optical Screening Tool (UVOST) and Hydraulic Profiling Tool (HPT).
Legion Drilling now in Townsville with Geoprobe 7822DT
To better service north QLD clients we now have a Geoprobe 7822Dt operating from a satellite base in Cairns Australia.
Introducing the MiHPT -
The new probe detects volatile contaminants with the MIP, measures soil electrical conductivity with a standard (MIP) dipole array, and measures HPT injection pressure using the same down-hole transducer as the Geoprobe® stand-alone HPT system.
Cleanup 2017 Keynote: Laser Induced Fluorescence
As Australia's leading provider of High Resolution Site Characterisation (HRSC), Numac welcomes back David Heicher from Dakota Technologies for his keynote presentation at Cleanup 2017:
Using tracers to Investigate aquifer recharge. A wide a range of tools wre employed to gather data including monitoring wells, the Hydraulic Profiling Tool (HPT), Geoprobe push tube soil sampling and the SP16 groundwater sampler in this investigation.
Hydraulic Profiling Tool (HPT) added to the HRSC arsenal
The HPT provides a continuous hydrostratigraphic log of the subsurface that provides relative hydraulic conductivity of the formation. Soil lithology is also mapped along the vertical profile of the subsurface. Identify pathways and calculate permeability and static water levels in real time...
Legion Drilling Introduces Ultra Violet Optical Screening Tool to australia (UVOST
Run on a Geoprobe drilling rig, the UVOST systems makes for a much more productive day in the field. Real time delineation LNAPL plumes can be conducted with speed and with complete confidence. There is a greatly reduced requirement for soil sampling, laboratory analysisand groundwater wells.