HRSC, Environmental Drilling David Garratt HRSC, Environmental Drilling David Garratt

Sustainable site investigation with Direct Sensing Tools (HRSC)

At this point, 20+ years into the development of direct sensing technology there have been a multitude of arguments presented touting the technical and financial advantages of High-Resolution Site Characterisation (HRSC) using Membrane Interface Probe (MIP), Ultra-Violet Optical Screening Tool (UVOST) and Hydraulic Profiling Tool (HPT). 

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David Garratt David Garratt

A typical day at Legion Drilling Services Australia!

This short video is a small window into what kinds of drilling projects are going on at Numac on any given day. As a tier 1 drilling contractor we can provide high quality drilling services including Sonic, remote access diamond coring, geotechnical, overwater and contaminated land investigations with Geoprobe machines.

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