Site Screening to Closure – Brisbane, Sydney & Melbourne
We are excited to present the 2nd Workshop on Advanced Technologies for Integral Contaminated Land Management, featuring an even larger delegation of North American experts for 2024.
Ecoforum/SustRem 2023: Sustainability in the Drilling and Remediation Industry
Ecoforum/SustRem 2023 was the perfect platform for Legion Drilling to keep advocating for more sustainable site investigation and remediation approaches. We take pride in our commitment to sustainability and the steps we have been taking since our beginnings to lead the way toward a more eco-conscious drilling industry.
Load Testing 50mm Class 18 Threaded PVC
Measuring the load capacity of class 18 PVD threaded well casing. How deep do you think you could hang a 50mm. PVC well?
10 Reasons to consider Legion Drilling for your complex drilling programs
At Numac we thrive on providing solutions for challenging drilling programs. Our loyal clientele return for the support of a drilling contractor that can deliver in high risk and high performance situations.
Epic Sonic Drilling Journey
Sydney based R20 Sonic crews have been on a 13 week tour which included quarantine, 4 states, 4 projects and a total of 6400km mobilization. Project requirements included 150mm production bores, Environmental monitoring wells, and Vibrating Wire Piezometers for a Geotechnical client. The rig completed projects in Queensland, South Australia, Northern Territory and New south wales.
Geotechnical and Environmental Testing begins at New Adelaide Women's Hospital
Never a dull day as a drilling contractor. Our drill crews in Adelaide were part of the government PR machine this week undertaking a deep groundwater monitoring program
R01 - Our first Geoprobe returns to service after full rebuild and upgrade.
Geoprobe 6620 (R1) returns to service in 2020 after a full refit and upgrade by the Numac maintenance and engineering team. View a short video of the results.
Sustainable site investigation with Direct Sensing Tools (HRSC)
At this point, 20+ years into the development of direct sensing technology there have been a multitude of arguments presented touting the technical and financial advantages of High-Resolution Site Characterisation (HRSC) using Membrane Interface Probe (MIP), Ultra-Violet Optical Screening Tool (UVOST) and Hydraulic Profiling Tool (HPT).
Legion Drilling now in Townsville with Geoprobe 7822DT
To better service north QLD clients we now have a Geoprobe 7822Dt operating from a satellite base in Cairns Australia.
Resto-mod of Geoprobe 6620 Environmental drill rig
This is what a Geoprobe 6620 looks like stripped down to its component parts. Our fitters have recently commenced a complete overhaul and upgrade of “R1” our Geoprobe track mounted drilling rig.
Take a look at our high volume chemical injection unit
Numac has over 10 years experience in chemical injection for the purpose of in-situ chemical oxidation/reduction (ISCO/R). This system seen in this video is the result of 10 years of deveopment and continual improvement of the process.
Introducing the MiHPT -
The new probe detects volatile contaminants with the MIP, measures soil electrical conductivity with a standard (MIP) dipole array, and measures HPT injection pressure using the same down-hole transducer as the Geoprobe® stand-alone HPT system.
Finders River alluvium - SP16 ground water Sampling - Northern Queensland
".....look for a cost-effective method for characterising shallow groundwater resources in remote Northern Australia"
Using tracers to Investigate aquifer recharge. A wide a range of tools wre employed to gather data including monitoring wells, the Hydraulic Profiling Tool (HPT), Geoprobe push tube soil sampling and the SP16 groundwater sampler in this investigation.
Early 2016 saw 2 Geoprobe machines running double shift for a large scale environmental assessment. The investigation included a large Membrane Interface Probe (MIP) investigation which we believe was a first for Singapore.
Sonic is the new black
Sonic Drilling is taking off in Australia and is quickly becoming the preferred tool in both Environmental and Geotechnical site investigations. After a couple of years of use this is the lowdown on where we see the value.
Hydraulic Profiling Tool (HPT) added to the HRSC arsenal
The HPT provides a continuous hydrostratigraphic log of the subsurface that provides relative hydraulic conductivity of the formation. Soil lithology is also mapped along the vertical profile of the subsurface. Identify pathways and calculate permeability and static water levels in real time...