Custom Remediation Solutions
Legion Drilling has a full team of specialised fitters and welders dedicated to build and customise soil and groundwater remediation systems to satisfy your specific project needs. This includes in-situ/on-site technologies such as:
In-situ injection of remedial amendments (ISCO, ISCR, activated carbon-BOS 200®, surfactants, enhanced in-situ bioremediation...) at a wide range of pressures through direct push technology, fixed wells, or placement in trenches.
Pump-and-treat and other hydraulic recovery and phase-change technologies (soil vapour extraction, air sparging, bio-sparging, and so on).
On-site above ground water treatment systems.
Solar-powered solutions.
Furthermore, we can assist you with high-resolution remedial design characterisation to enhance the performance of your remediation systems while reducing rebound effects and financial risks.
Contact us to discuss in detail any custom remedial solutions. We provide soil and groundwater remediation services for a wide variety of environmental contaminants (petroleum hydrocarbons, chlorinated solvents, PFAS, etc.) across Australia and can mobilise the equipment from our locations in Brisbane, Sydney and Townsville.
Essentially if you have a basic idea or concept around what you wish to achieve we can assist with the design, fabrication and implementation if required. With over 20 years in contaminated land we have been involved with hundreds of different remediation designs and our team is ready to pass on that knowledge for you next project.