Webinars and Training
TBC… Planning 2025…
Surgical High-Energy Injection of Solid Amendments for In-Situ Remediation - Presented by: Mike Mazzarese (AST Environmental)
FLUORO-SORB® for In-Situ PFAS Sequestration - Presented by: Matt Geary (CETCO) and Mike Mazzarese (AST Environmental)
In-Situ Testing with the Seismic Dilatometer (SDMT/SPDMT) - Presented by: Diego Marchetti (Studio Prof. Marchetti)
In-Situ Testing with the Flat Dilatometer (DMT) for Geotechnical Applications - Presented by: Diego Marchetti (Studio Prof. Marchetti)
Cone Penetration Testing (CPT/CPTu) for Geotechnical Investigations - Presented by: Ernst Wassenaar (Geomil Equipment)
2nd Workshop on Advanced Technologies for Integral Contaminated Land Management: from Site Screening to Closure - Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney
An exclusive event featuring an expanded North American delegation, including industry leaders Mike Mazzarese (who shared his cutting-edge knowledge on in-situ injection techniques), George (Bud) Ivey (presenting solutions like PFAS-SOL, an innovative surfactant-based technology designed to remove PFAS from soil and groundwater), and Laurie Chilcote (demonstrating how the Vapor Pin® sampling device has revolutionised vapor intrusion evaluations globally). Alongside local expert Jonás García-Rincón, Ph.D. (discussing multiphase NAPL mechanics using HRSC data sets), this was truly an all-star lineup.
Legion Drilling gives a Keynote Presentation at CleanUp 2024 - Adelaide - SEP 2024
Legion Drilling actively participated at crcCARE’s CleanUp 2024 with a keynote on ‘High Resolution Site Charaterisation and Implications to Conceptual Site Models’ and two additional platform presentations.
Legion Drilling Present at 2 of the Best Remediation and Geotechnical Events of 2024 - Battelle Chlorinated ‘24 (Denver, USA) and ISSMGE ISC’7 (Barcelona, Spain) - JUN 2024
Legion Drilling was present at the two of the most significant events of 2024 for the contaminated land and geotechnical investigation industries worldwide: Chlorinated ‘24 and ISC’7.
Chlorinated ‘24 was opened with the 8-hour course ‘How to Strategize on Site Investigation, In-Situ Remediation and MNA/NSZD: Addressing Subsurface Heterogeneity throughout the Project Lifecycle’, which was led by our Direct Sensing Manager Jonas Garcia-Rincon. Other Legion Drilling contributions included 2 platform presentations and 2 posters from Jonas and our In-Situ Remediation Specialist Alex Dudkowski. The event was also an excellent opportunity to engage with our international partners from the RPI Group and other friend organisations.
Two weeks later, the Legion Drilling delegation was at the 7th International Conference on Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization (ISC’7), arguably the best event of the year on CPT and in-situ testing in general. Legion Drilling presented 2 posters and learnt about the latest trends in geotechnical characterisation.
Book Launch: ‘Advances in the Characterisation and Remediation of Sites Contaminated with Petroleum Hydrocarbons’ - Sydney - MAY 2024
This event was dedicated to current trends in the management of petroleum sites and served as a book launch for the volume recently published by our Direct Sensing Manager, Jonas Garcia-Rincon, through Springer-Nature (free download link).
In addition to Jonas, there were presentations from Andrew King (BP) and Gillian Kopittke (GHD), who came from Melbourne and Brisbane. Andrew King talked about the evolution of petroleum LNAPL releases in the subsurface and the importance of in-time remedial responses. He also provided examples of BP’s latest in-situ remediation projects using BOS 200 carbon injection. Gillian Kopittke explored the limitations of active recovery methods versus monitored NSZD and other passive approaches. She also discussed the advantages of high-resolution site investigations for the assessment of fluxes and mobility risks. Last, Jonas shared some general insights from his book, mostly around the importance of LNAPL multiphase behaviour, spatial variability issues, and biodegradation processes.
Applied Hydrogeochemistry for the Investigation and Remediation of Challenging Sites - Brisbane - MAR 2024
Bud Ivey joined us from Canada to discuss how hydrogeochemistry can guide in-situ remediation efforts and present new surfactant-based technology for PFAS recovery.
He was accompanied by our Direct Sensing Manager, Jonas Garcia-Rincon, who talked about NAPL mechanics and implications in conventional site investigation, HRSC, and in-situ remediation.
Thanks to everyone for another fruitful half-day event with almost 50 delegates!
Legion Drilling - IVEY - crcCARE - Site Investigation Supply
1st Workshop on Advanced Technologies for Integral Contaminated Land Management: from Site Screening to Closure - OCT 2023
in-person, half-day workshops focused on the implementation of advanced technologies for more sustainable and efficient management of sites contaminated with chlorinated solvents, petroleum hydrocarbons or PFAS.
The presenters covered technologies such as direct sensing tools, mobile labs and discrete groundwater samplers for adaptive HRSC or in-situ remediation systems for targeted, high-energy injection of remedial amendments in all geologies, from sandy aquifers to low-permeability zones and fractured rock.
Mike Mazzarese, MSc, flew from Colorado to share his experience as an in-situ remediation specialist at consulting companies and contractors (AECOM, Stantec, Regenesis, AST…).
Jonas Garcia-Rincon, who holds a PhD on HRSC from CSIRO and recently edited a book on advanced site characterisation and remediation technologies for LNAPL-contaminated sites.
Matthew Hansen, Director at Legion Drilling (formerly Numac), specialist provider of site investigation and remediation solutions Australia-wide.
Adelaide - Brisbane - Sydney
Many thanks to those organisations that supported this initiative, including CRC CARE, Fyfe (hosting the Adelaide session), TRACE Environmental (sharing data from an Australian remediation case study) and Site Investigation Supply (massive help organising the events and the morning tea in Brisbane and Sydney).
Say hi to the Legion team at exhibition booth #25 and don’t miss Mike Mazzarese’s presentations on the application of FLUORO-SORB® for in-situ PFAS sequestration and the management of daughter products in sites contaminated with chlorinated compounds.
ECOFORUM 2022 - AUG 2022
Numac returned to Ecoforum to present on the two topics below:
(i) ‘Using Lasers for Contaminated Site Investigation’
(ii) ‘BOS® activated carbon injection for sustainable in-situ remediation: First applications in Australia’
Numac gave two 1-h presentations as part of the half-day workshop on High-Resolution Site Characterisation (HRSC) and In-Situ Remediation organised by CRC CARE:
The first one focused on hydrostratigraphic characterisation and discrete groundwater sampling with technologies such as HPT, CPTu, SCPTu, NMR, and SP16 (‘High-Resolution Hydrostratigraphic Characterisation’).
The second one was dedicated to high-resolution contaminant delineation with tools like MIP and LIF-UVOST (‘High-Resolution Delineation of Organic Contaminants’).
ECOFORUM 2021 - NOV/DEC 2021
Numac attended Ecoforum and gave a presentation on “High-Resolution Site Characterisation Versus Conventional Investigation Approaches at ‘Low-Risk’ Sites”.