Hydraulic Profiling Tool (HPT) added to the HRSC arsenal

To further aid in developing highly defined conceptual site models, Numac is pleased to offer the Hydraulic Profiling Tool (HPT).  The HPT provides a continuous hydrostratigraphic log of the subsurface that provides relative hydraulic conductivity of the formation.  Soil lithology is also mapped along the vertical profile of the subsurface.  Hydraulic conductivity (K) values can be estimated with the HPT, as well as water table elevations.

How HPT Works:
By pumping clean water continuously as the HPT is advanced through the subsurface, measurements of the pressure required to inject the flow of water into the soil is recorded.  This injection pressure log is an excellent indicator of formation permeability.  In addition to measurement of injection pressure, the HPT can also be used to measure hydrostatic pressure under the zero flow condition.  This allows the development of a hydrostatic pressure graph for the log and prediction of the position of the water table.


  • Data is collected in real time and high resolution (65 readings per vertical metre)

  • Hydraulic Conductivity (K) values can be derived from HPT data

  • Able to calculate water table elevations across a site

  • Simultaneous collection of Soil Electrical Conductivity to determine lithology

  • Identifies contaminant migration pathways

  • Identifies specific lenses and zones for injection remediation

  • provides data for accurate well screen intervals

  • Fast – advancement rate of 0.3m/minute with daily production up to 50-70m/day

Download the HPT Brochure here.

For further information please contact Matthew Hansen on 1300 131 019 or matthewh@numac.com.au.


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