Sydney - Brisbane - Townsville

Sonic, Geotech & Contam land Drilling Contractor

A 60 second video snapshot into a typical day at Legion Drilling.

Australian company driving high standards in Drilling services…

At Legion Drilling, we are committed to setting a new benchmark for professionalism, consistency, and pride in site investigation and drilling services across Australia. Our operators are driven to achieve exceptional performance and uphold the highest safety standards in the field. With comprehensive equipment packages and strategically located depots, we deliver reliable solutions for your most demanding site challenges.

Legion Drilling Services is Australia's premier contractor for environmental, geotechnical and sonic drilling services. With offices in Brisbane, Townsville, and Sydney, we bring over 20 years of proven industry experience, having worked across every soil profile and rock matrix imaginable. Our extensive range of drilling services sets us apart, enabling us to tackle even the most complex scopes and limited-access drilling projects with confidence and efficiency.

Drilling Companies are key project partners.

Drilling company conducting operations on Australian mine site.

Sonic Drilling Geoprobe 8140 in the Northern Territory

Sonic Drilling services

Legion Drilling currently runs 6 high capacity sonic drill rigs on the East coast of Australia from our companies depots in Sydney Brisbane and Townsville. Our Drilling company has been operating sonic drilling rigs in Australia since 2013 and was one of the first drilling contractors to embrace this revolutionary technology in Australia. Sonic drilling services provide certainty of sample recovery in the most difficult drilling conditions and the efficiently of using a single drilling method to advance through soil, clay and rock matrix. Sonic drilling is particularly effective in sampling mine tailings and landfill drilling applications. Installation of geotechnical instruments and well in unstable formations.

Small Geotechnical rig working in Sydney Harbour.

Geotechnical Drilling Services

We provide a wide variety of contractor drilling services to the mining, construction and infrastructure clients. We provide specialist drilling rigs for all aspects of a geotechnical site assessment. Our company fleet consists of crawler and truck mounted geotechnical drilling rigs in a variety of configurations for sites in the city and remote locations. Our Geotech rigs can be supplied with equipment for hydraulic packer testing, SPT sampling, down hole hammer and diamond coring. Our crews have experience installing a large range of Geotechnical instruments including Vibrating Wire Piezometers, Inclinometers and tilt-meters.

Geoprobe Environmental rig doing a beach landing on a Remote Queensland island.

Geoprobe - Contaminated land site investigation

The Geoprobe direct push rig changed the game in Australias contaminated land investigations in the early 2000’s. The ability to take undisturbed soils samples with speed and minimal chance of cross contamination was truly a game changer. The massive torque of the specialist Geoprobe drilling rigs facilitated the use of large diameter hollow augers and installation of monitoring wells in unstable formations. Small and nimble with massive power, the Geoprobe rig remains the industry standard for all your environmental site assessments.

MiHPT shines a high resolution light on the most complex soil and groundwater profiles.

Extract of a MiHPT log showing both hydraulic profile and contaminate distribution

High Resolution Site Characterisation (HRSC) & Cone Penetration Testing (CPT)

Legion Drilling is Australia’s most experienced drilling company providing High Resolution Site Characterisation (HRSC) services to the Australian contaminated land and geotechnical consultants. With access to an extensive suite of direct sensing tools applied through direct push methods Legion can investigate the ground conditions and delineate your contamination issues fast and with a level of detail that allows for cost effective remediation. Our suite of HRSC systems includes the Membrane Interface Probe (MIP), Hydraulic Profiling Tool (HPT), Ultra-Violet Optical Screening Tool (UVOST) and Seismic Cone Penetration Testing (Seismic CPTu), Electric Vane Shear and Marchetti Flat Dilatometer Test (DMT).

Custom mixing and pumping systems for high pressure slurry injection for in-situ remediation.

In situ Remediation with slurry injection.

Through the use of direct injection techniques we can provide chemical and carbon injection amendments for the in-situ clean-up of contaminated sites. In combination with our High-Resolution Site Characterisation (HRSC) methods we can provide unprecedented remediation confidence and successful client outcomes. Legion is the Australian approved installer of Remediation Products Inc (RPI) in partnership with AST Environmental from the USA. AST and RPI provide carbon based platforms for sequestration of contaminates and along with bacterial amendments that facilitate destruction (remediation).

Drilling Company near you, no matter where you are on Australia’s East Coast.

Whether you’re looking for well drilling company in Sydney, the best Sonic Driller in Brisbane, or perhaps a Geoprobe Environmental driller in Townsville, Legion Drilling is close to you and ready to help. As one of Australia’s premier drilling contractors, Legion Drilling has established offices in Southern Queensland, North Queensland, and New South Wales to serve clients across the East coast. Our depot locations additionally provide great access to Newcastle, Wollongong Cairns and Mackay. Our proactive drilling teams and support staff are focused on safety, reliability, project support, and quality. Legion Drilling is the preferred drilling contractor on the east coast of Australia, for clients seeking exceptional drilling services, including well drilling. With such great coverage with our drilling company depots we can drilling with minimal mobilisation costs. Our equipment comes in a large range of confirmations to suit both metropolitan and remote drilling programs and we can handle any soil or rock matrix.


Contact Legion Drilling

Sydney NSW Australia

11-13 Metters Place

Wetherill Park 2565

Brisbane Queensland Australia

57 Unwin St
Pinkenba 4008

Townsville Queensland Australia
56 Punari Street,

Currajong 4812

Legion Drilling Townsville - North Queensland

In 2021 Legion Drilling opened our satellite office Townsville, providing contract drilling services across to north eastern Australia. In addition to Townsville our North QLD office has provided great access to Cairns, Mackay and makes the trip to Mt Isa much more manageable and cost effective. We frequently complete projects in the Northern Territory from this office.

Legion Drilling Brisbane - SE Queensland

Our Brisbane office primarily manages South East Queensland including the Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast. This team ventures up north as far as Gladstone and Bundaburg and south to Byron Bay and Port Macquarie in New South Wales.

Legion Drilling Sydney - NSW

Our office in Weatherill park western Sydney works primarily in the greater Sydney, Newcastle and Wollongong region. We frequently head well inland and down south to Wagga Wagga and Albury Wodonga on the Victorian Border.


‘I have been using Legion Drilling regularly for the past 6 years and have found them to be a highly professional company with a strong team in the office and on the rigs, all very sensitive to the needs of a wide range of subsurface investigation challenges. They are often willing to offer new ideas and technologies to solve old problems. They also have an excellent range of shallow drilling rigs. In particular their sonic rigs are brilliant for coring and detailed geological characterisation, and they pack a lot of punch with a small footprint.’ -Ned Hamer. Principal Hydrogeologist at Earth Search.