The new home of Sonic & Geotechnical Drilling in Brisbane

Legion Drillings new Brisbane home sets a new standard in Geotechnical, Sonic and Geoprobe drilling contractor facilities.

In late 2024 Legion Drilling moved to a new depot location in Pinkenba just 5 minutes from Brisbane airport. The new Brisbane location is massive upgrade providing far more space for drill maintenance facilities, improved heavy vehicle access and far more appealing office amenities for the management team. A dedicated wash bay and all the additional space will ensure our Sonic, Geotechnical and Geoprobe drilling rigs are well prepared each and every day to punch out maximum output for our clients. The location in Pinkenba Brisbane Queensland Australia ensures we are the best placed drilling contractor to service the metropolitan area with efficient access to projects requiring drilling investigation on the Gold Coast and Sunshine coast.


In-Situ Slurry Injection for Site Remediation


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